Fit 'N' Well Mommy

Being a mommy doesn't always mean sacrifice

Friday Favorites November 2, 2012

TGIF!! I’m SO excited for this afternoon and weekend! My husband and I have a date night planned for tonight that includes a couples massage (thanks to Groupon!) and dinner afterwards. Keenan is staying with my parents for the night, whoohoo! Tomorrow afternoon, we are heading to my parents to stay the night and on Sunday, my mom and I are having a “girls day” at the spa at Wine and Roses in Lodi for my birthday (my birthday is on Sunday and I still can’t believe I will be 31!). It should be a lot of fun, and I can’t wait for some MUCH NEEDED pampering and relaxation!!

Since it is Friday, it is time for “Friday Favorites!” If you didn’t see last week’s post, I decided to start a new theme for my Friday’s posts. Every Friday, I plan to reflect back on my favorite moments and eats from the past week, as part of my new focus of living more in the present and cherishing each and every moment (living more the Alaska way).

Favorite Moments:

  • Trick-or-treating with Keenan and seeing him so excited and happy!
  • Keenan and my mom playing together and being silly!
  • My husband and Keenan playing the guitar together!
  • Playing with Keenan in his sandbox and cuddling with Slinky!
  • Keenan and I creating our own version of “Rockabye Baby,” except calling it “Rockabye Potty” and turning it into a potty song for potty training!

Favorite Eats:

  • Popcorn!

After looking back at this week’s eats, I definitely need to try a few new things next week. My favorite eats from last week were pretty much the same this week (but they were SO good!).  🙂

Since our massage appointments are later this afternoon, I need to keep today’s post short, so I can finish up a few things and take a shower. I went to CrossFit this morning and got a great circuit workout in of medicine ball cleans, rope climbs, GHD sit-ups, push presses (55 lb), over-the-box jumps and sumo deadlift high pulls of 50 lbs. We did 1 minute at each station (doing as many reps as you could in that minute) for 3 rounds. The left side of my lower back is still sore, so I’m looking forward to my massage later! Tomorrow, everyone who is competing in the next few weeks is meeting up to do a couple of WODs. I want to go, but I’m going to see how my back feels in the morning.

Well, have a wonderful Friday and a great weekend!

Question: What were some of your favorite moments and eats from this past week?


Our bodies are like cars… August 17, 2012

Before I forget, here is a picture our dinner last night, Sauteed Kale with mushrooms, sun dried tomatoes, a red onion and feta cheese. It was delicious!

We had a busy morning today. After a quick “usual” breakfast, I took my latte to go and dropped off my car for its 40,000-mile service and then headed to my MOMs Club board meeting. After the meeting, Keenan got his second haircut! The guy who cut his hair the first time (my husband’s previous hair stylist) moved, so I found a new person that did a fabulous job! In addition, it only cost $7.0o! Keenan’s first haircut was $15.00, so today’s cut was a steal! If you live in the Natomas area and are looking for a great place to get your child’s hair cut, I highly recommend A-Z Cuts!

Showing off his new haircut!

After being in Alaska for two weeks and prior to that, San Diego, it is time for me to re-evaluate my eating habits and get back on track. I ate WAY too many sweets and bread (thanks to my Mother-in-Law for her wonderful baking!), so this week was all about “detoxing,” or rather eating proper portions again and lots of veggies and fruit! Since there are no grocery stores where my in-law’s have a lodge, everything has to be flown in, so you can’t go to the store every other day or every few days to get fresh produce. You either have to grow it or have it shipped and ration out the amount you eat. Needless to say, I missed having a lot of fruits and veggies on hand! Since we ate SO MANY carbs the past two weeks, our dinners this week consisted of protein and veggies. For breakfast and lunch, we have included carbs, i.e. Kashi Cereal and sandwich thins, but other than that, we haven’t eaten many of them. I stepped on the scale today and I put on a couple of pounds, so I definitely need to get back on track. My husband also put on a few pounds, so we are both watching our food consumption. Since we didn’t really workout while we were in Alaska, I think the lack of activity coupled with the additional sweets/carbs did us in. Oh, well, we were on vacation, so it was a good excuse to splurge, right??! Do you allow yourself to splurge when on vacation? What foods do you like to splurge on?

When talking to clients about their eating habits, I love to give them the analogy of a car. In order for our bodies to run properly and efficiently, they need the right fuel, as well as regular maintenance to withstand daily exercise (whether light, moderate or vigorous) on a daily basis and/or what life throws our way. If you have a sports car and it takes premium gasoline, you can’t put regular unleaded and expect it to run as well as it does with premium. Our bodies are the same way. If you are working out 7 days a week and doing very intense exercise, you need to eat enough protein to repair and build muscle, good carbs for re-filling your glycogen stores and staying hydrated to replace the amount of water you lose during your workouts. In addition, without proper maintenance, i.e. recovery, your body will run itself into the ground, being prone to injury and fatigue, thus decreasing performance (just as a car does when it doesn’t receive regular oil changes and maintenance checks). Some people think that we “live to eat,” but really, we “eat to live.” We need to take proper care of our bodies, whether for light to moderate exercise, vigorous workouts or playing with your kids.

Proper fuel requirements made me question if I am eating the right amounts (just right, too little or too much) of protein, carbs, veggies and fruit for the workouts that I am doing. I eat a good amount of protein with every meal and a little bit combined with a few carbs for my pre-workout snacks (which I need to start posting about and taking pictures), but is it enough? I do CrossFit 5 days a week, doing pretty vigorous activity, so I think I need to increase my protein intake. Prior to going to Alaska, I felt tired during my workouts (even though I was well hydrated, sleeping well and felt like I was eating enough), which could have been due to not eating enough protein. The American Dietetic Association recommends an endurance athlete consume between 1.2-1.7 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. If you are doing heavy strength training, your protein needs are definitely in the high range and can go up to 1.8 grams per kilogram of body weight. With that said, I calculated the amount of protein I consume on a regular basis and I am short a few grams. So, my first focus is increasing my lean protein intake for all of my meals, without increasing my overall calorie intake. By doing so, I am going to decrease the amount of carbs I eat (still consuming them, though!) to make-up for the additional calories of protein. I know, it seems a little confusing, but it shouldn’t be too hard to do!

The main thing that I try to practice on a daily basis is being mindful, listening to my body. I eat when I’m hungry and hydrate when I am thirsty (though in Alaska, I definitely ate when I wasn’t hungry with all of the sweets laying around!). I listen to my body after a workout. If I’m feeling really fatigued, I think back to what I consumed during the day to see if I ate enough. The next day, I make sure to eat enough, especially protein and see if that makes a difference in how I feel after I work out. I find that if you listen to your body, you will learn a lot! Practicing mindful eating can help you reach your goals, whether they are losing weight, maintaining your weight or increasing your performance. How do you practice mindfulness?

Ok, enough of the boring nutrition stuff. Tonight is our “at home date night” after Keenan goes to bed, so I can’t wait! My husband is cooking an Asian dish with grilled chicken, zuchinni, carrots, onion over brown rice noodles served with a nice white wine; it should be good! We are planning to watch something on Netflix, but we’ll see if we can agree on something!

Well, it’s time to get ready for CrossFit. Have a great evening!


A somewhat relaxing Saturday July 29, 2012

One of my favorite breakfasts, a great pre-workout meal!

Today was somewhat of a relaxing day, aside from running last minute errands and getting things ready for our trip. Since Keenan is still getting over his cold (he came down with it a few days ago), we laid low. After breakfast, (which was different today: whole grain frozen waffles spread with peanut butter and banana slices on top), we headed to the gym for one last workout before we leave for Alaska. Since my husband was still really sore from yesterday’s WOD and his ankle was bothering him, he just took pictures, while I did the WOD with our friend. It was a good one! Below, is a picture of the workout, as well as me (and my nice CrossFit face!) doing an overhead squat.

Today’s WOD, a modified “Chipper” from the CrossFit Games this past month.

My lovely CrossFit face doing an overhead squat of 85 lbs, thanks to my husband!

After we got home from the gym, we had lunch: leftover Grilled Corn Salad with half of a sandwich thin and a nectarine. It was tasty after the crazy workout! Once I was done, I got ready and headed out to run errands, which included a trip to Nordstrom to exchange and return some things. I just love Nordies (as I call it)! Their return policy is awesome; you can take anything back (even if worn and without a receipt) and they will fully refund you. They have a 100% satisfaction guarantee policy, which is fabulous! After wearing shoes for a couple of times and if they still don’t fit right, you can take them back at Nordies and they will refund your money or exchange them. This is another reason why I do most of my shopping at Nordies!

Keenan playing in his pool, yes, I know, naked.

Once I got home, Keenan woke up from his nap (almost 3 hours!), so we headed outside for some pool time! My husband and I enjoyed his “special summer drink creation” while Keenan played in the pool. Once Keenan was done playing in the pool, we went inside and watched a little “Elmo’s World” (Keenan’s request) and played several rounds of “Ring a Round the Roses” and “Tag.” It was a fun-filled afternoon of quality family time!

Watching an episode of “Elmo’s World,” while having a snack of my niece’s leftover gold fish crackers.

Tonight is our at-home “date night,” so it’s time to open a bottle of wine and start cooking! We are grilling some zucchini and an onion and tossing it with sun dried tomatoes, chicken, Kalamata olives and feta cheese over whole wheat penne noddles. It should be good! After dinner, we watching some Olympics! What are your plans for tonight?


A Family who eats together, stays together July 11, 2012

Keenan and Daddy having lunch together.

“A family who eats together, stays together.”

My mom and grandma used to say this when I was younger. Sitting down at the table to have meals together has always been an everyday tradition in my family. It was a time for all of us to come together and share about our days, worries, frustrations, ideas, goals and plans. Even when we were all busy, we still made sitting down for dinner a priority. Even now that we are all grown and have our own families, we still make sitting down for meals a priority when we are all together. It is something we all value. In fact,  dinners in our family tend to last a while, because we like to solve the world’s problems! But, sitting down at a table and taking a while to eat can actually be good for your health, too! By eating slowly, you are less likely to overeat because you are more mindful of when you are full. By sitting in front of the TV to eat, you are more in tune to what you are watching than what you are putting in your mouth, thus you are more likely to overeat (also the commercials for juicy hamburgers or mouth-watering pizza might tempt you to indulge in more unhealthy foods…, i.e. late night fast food runs). Where do you and your family eat your meals? Do you find it important to eat together as a family?

My husband grew up with the same tradition, so when we got married seven years ago (I still can’t believe it has been that long!), we made sitting down at the table for dinner together a priority. When we had Keenan, we knew we wanted to instill this value on him, thus we eat dinner together as a family almost every night. We ask Keenan what he did during the day and what he liked best about it, which helps encourage conversation with him, so he learns that dinner is a time for sharing (and also enjoying your food!). He enjoys talking with us and eating like my husband and me (using his utensils, a skill we are still perfecting!). My husband and I also try to have one “at-home date night,” either Friday or Saturday each week, where we open a bottle of wine, cook a special meal and eat dinner together after Keenan goes to bed. It is nice after a busy week to look forward to our little date night, where we can slowly make dinner and talk uninterrupted. What do you do for date nights? How often do you have date nights?

Today, Keenan and I shared our “usual” breakfast with fresh strawberries, and I enjoyed a latte with a little sugar-free Brown Sugar and Vanilla Torani Syrup. It was SO good! After not sleeping very well last night (I don’t know why…maybe in anticipation of our upcoming vacation), I definitely needed it! I only had a small cup, so I saved the rest for an iced coffee after lunch, which was also very yummy! For my iced coffee, I pour the coffee (espresso, since I use my stove-top percolator) over ice into my glass, add a couple tablespoons of non-fat milk and a splash of sugar-free syrup, and mix! It is the perfect balance of bitter and sweet! It’s also great to enjoy an ice-cold coffee on a hot Summer day, like today (I think it’s still 90 degrees outside, yikes!).

After Keenan woke up from his nap (he finally fell asleep after his little peeing escapade: taking off his diaper and his sleep sack, thus peeing on his mattress while yelling at the top of his lungs for me!), we headed to CrossFit to work our tails off again. Dinner was leftovers and now it is time for some relaxing and catching-up on “So You Think You Can Dance!”