Fit 'N' Well Mommy

Being a mommy doesn't always mean sacrifice

TGIF and lots of Sweets! September 7, 2012

Filed under: Coffee,Family,Food,Wine — Fit 'n' Well Mommy @ 11:35 pm
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Happy Friday! It is so beautiful on the coast today…sunny and not too cold!

Last night was rough. When we were about to put Keenan in the tub for his bath, he burped and then vomited. Luckily it was almost all contained in the tub, but it was still a mess! Poor little guy, he didn’t know what had happened! He seemed fine, though very tired after doing his bath and getting him ready for bed. About an hour after I put him to bed, he woke up and vomited again, this time all over himself and his pac n’ play. Poor thing, he was so scared and upset. We quickly got him up, undressed and cleaned before figuring out what to do. Luckily, there is a crib at the house, so we set it up (wrapping plastic garbage bags around the matress, just in case) and put him back to bed. After he puked the second time, he seemed much better and thankfully, he didn’t puke the rest of the night. Meanwhile, we put everything in the wash: sleepsack, pjs, sheet and all of his critters. My husband cleaned the pac n’ play in the tub, so it could dry all night.

I was worried that Keenan would still feel icky today, but he was his happy, cheerful self when he woke up this morning (thank goodness!). I am not sure what caused him to vomit…as we all ate the same thing, except for the huckleberry jam/syrup on his peanut butter sandwich yesterday, which someone had left in the fridge for a long time. It is the only thing that my husband and I didn’t eat. It is the worst feeling when your child is sick and vomits because they are so surprised and/or scared by it and they don’t know what to do.  Anyhow, I’m glad and relieved that Keenan feels better. I am watching him like a hawk, today, but so far (knock on wood), he has been fine!

For breakfast, my husband made a scramble with eggs, leftover oven-baked potato fries from last night, bacon (chopped up), a tomato and cheese topped with some avocado and salsa. It was delicious! Keenan ate most of his plate and drank quite a bit of water (he was definitely dehydrated). Sorry, I completely forgot to take a picture!

The wonderful display of goodies at Franny’s Cup and Saucer!

After breakfast, we drove 20 minutes north to Point Arena to get some heavenly goodies at Franny’s Cup and Saucer, a local (and very tiny) bakery owned by a mother and daughter team: Frances (Franny) and Barbara Burkey. Just the aroma of all of the delicious baked goods is enough to make you gain five pounds! Everything is amazing! Each time we stay in Gualala, we always try to go to Franny’s at least once.  Today, we got a gluten-free peanut butter and chocolate cookie, chocolate gingersnap cookie, cashew with brown butter frosting cookie and a guiness dark chocolate bar with a salted pretzel crust, along with a jar of their homemade cinderella pumpkin butter (the best pumpkin butter I have ever had!). All of their goodies–cookies, pastries, chocolates, cakes and even pizzas and frittatas–are equisite! They also serve espresso and every latte I have had there has been prefectly creamy. It is a must-stop if you are ever driving on Highway 1, heading to Fort Bragg or Mendocino!! I can’t say enough good things about it!

After Franny’s, we headed to a local gelateria, Gelati Pazzo Marco for a tour and tasting. All I can say is WOW! Since studying in Italy when I was in college, I am VERY picky about my gelato. I haven’t tasted anything in the states that has come close to what you find in Italy, until I had Gelati Pazzo Marco! We had a great time there, and Keenan certainly enjoyind trying all of the different flavors; he kept saying, “Try more, try more!” We spent an hour and a half there, learning about how they make it, where they get their ingredients and how they package it, so I’m going to save my write-up/review for later. Look for more about Gelati Pazzo Marco in my next post!

Gelati Pazzo Marco!

For lunch, I made Keenan a peanut butter and banana sandwich (minus the honey or jam this time) and a glass of milk and water. Even after tasting gelato, he devoured his sandwich in minutes! My husband and I split a wonderful Croque Monsieur from Franny’s Cup and Saucer with a peach and some baby carrots! It was delish!

Well, today we were planning on getting a workout in at the beach, but it has turned into another relaxing day. Since Keenan is napping, we are going to enjoy some wine while finishing our movie from last night!

Once Keenan gets up, we are going to take a walk, so at least I’ll be getting some exercise in! Tomorrow, we are headed to my cousin’s wedding and then home on Sunday. Gosh, with all of the goodies we have been eating here, I definitely need to get back on track with my eating and workouts, starting first thing on Monday!


Relaxing by the Sea September 6, 2012

Filed under: Beer,Coffee,Family,Food — Fit 'n' Well Mommy @ 10:06 pm
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There is nothing better than waking up to the sounds and smell of the ocean! I just love the North Coast! Keenan slept until 7:30 this morning, so we were able to sleep in a bit! After a long day of driving yesterday, my husband and I were so tired, that we quickly ate dinner and went to bed (after putting Keenan to bed). We all woke-up refreshed this morning and ready to enjoy the coast!

For starters, my husband made us a nice breakfast: An egg, thick cut bacon and cheese sandwich with tomato and avocado on whole wheat bread. It was SO yummy!! Keenan practically ate his sandwich in less tan 5 minutes! In addition, we had lattes (we brought our french press with us) and we all shared a peach.I know I have said this before, but there is something very satisfying about eating a sandwich, burger or burrito with your hands? Maybe it is our primal instincts…I don’t know. Do you feel the same way when you eat food with your hands?   

Our delicious breakfast sandwich!

After breakfast, we relaxed a bit, played with Keenan and then went for a walk around town. Keenan picked up some rocks along the way and we stopped to take pictures!

Finding rocks!

Putting the rocks in his pockets!

Enjoying our walk!

We browsed in a few shops and I tried on a pair of TOM shoes that didn’t fit. I was bummed because I have been wanting a pair for a while, and this store had them for 50% off! While I was trying on shoes, Keenan wanted to wear my shoes! Doesn’t he look funny with my big shoe?

Wearing Mommy’s shoe!

After doing some more window shopping, we headed back to the house and I made Keenan lunch. I made him his favorite: A peanut butter, honey and banana sandwich on whole wheat bread with a glass of milk. He was SO content and SO tired, too. He walked a lot, so I think we wore him out!

After Keenan’s nap, we are going to walk down to a little cafe called Trinks, that overlooks the ocean and serves local gelato. We promised Keenan an ice cream cone, so we are going to eat our cones while we watch the ocean! Since we are in “relax mode” today, I don’t think we will be heading down to the beach for a workout. Tomorrow, I’m hoping to get a workout in!

Now, time for a little reading and relaxing with some beer! Enjoy the rest of your day!


On the road again…a mini vacation

Filed under: Beer,Coffee,CrossFit,Family,Fitness,Food — Fit 'n' Well Mommy @ 3:43 am
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Today, we are on the road again, headed to the North Coast for a few days before my cousin’s wedding on Saturday.  I am looking forward to escaping the heat and relaxing a bit! Since coming back from Alaska, we have been on the go, so it will be nice to have a mini vacation for a couple of days.

Since Keenan had a doctor’s appointment (his 2 year check-up) in Davis this morning, we had to pack-up and get out the door quickly. To get one last workout in (though, we are planning to do a workout on the beach either tomorrow or Friday), I got up bright and early to attend the 7:00 a.m. CrossFit class. After not working out in the morning for a long time (and going to bed late last night; I know, not early like I had wanted), it was hard for my body to get moving this morning. I felt like I was in slow motion! My body is certainly accustomed to working out in the afternoon!

Today’s WOD was: Three rounds of 25 pullups, 25 see the lights (women weight: 25 lb plate) and 25 box jumps with a 15 minute time cap. Prior to that, our skill was 70 hollow rocks, 30 bridge ups, 50 grasshoppers and 10 bridge ups. After yesterday’s workout, going to bed late and waking-up early this morning, my body was tired, to say the least! I’m glad I did it and got one last grueling WOD in!

Enjoying his breakfast this morning!

After I got back from the gym, we ate breakfast: the last of the oatmeal peach crisp with Greek yogurt and blackberries on top. My husband and I also had iced coffees, using his coffee concentrate. Before I forget, I had a small snack of half of a banana and a teaspoon of peanut butter prior to going to CrossFit this morning.

My breakfast.

Keenan has to be cutting some more teeth because the past few days he was been unusually fussy, not sleeping as well (shorter naps) and getting upset over the littlest things. This morning, he wanted breakfast and then he didn’t want it. He wanted to drink water out of 3 cups, and immediately got upset when I told him he could only choose one cup. He also seems tired, overall.  Needless to say, I think (and hope) his recent behavior is due to teething since he is usually an easygoing child! How do you help your child and/ or children manage teething? Any tips or advice for making them feel better?

At Keenan’s doctor appointment, his Pediatrician (Dr. O) agreed that he is probably working on his 2nd year molars. So, teething it is, ugh! Poor little guy, he got his Hep A booster and a flu shot at his appointment, so in addition to his teeth, Keenan isn’t going to be feeling too well.

Enjoying his lunch!

After Keenan’s appointment, we ate our lunch that we packed (peanut butter, honey and banana sandwiches with carrots and peaches), at Davis’s Central Park. After we were finished, Keenan played for a bit, before we got back in the car to get gas and run an errand prior to beginning our long road trip.

Playing in the park!

My husband had heard of this great beer shop in Davis, so of course, we stopped there to pick-up some unique beers to take with us. Keenan kept saying, “Keenan get the beer,” while we were in the store. He is definitely his Daddy’s son! 🙂

Well, after a LONG 4 hour drive (with a stop in Healdsburg for cupcakes!), we arrived in Gualala. Now, time to unpack, settle-in and eat dinner! Have a good night!


Monkey See, Monkey Do September 4, 2012

After going to bed early and getting a good night’s rest last night, we have all recovered from our weekend. Isn’t it the best feeling when you wake up rested and refreshed? My goal for this month is to get at least 8 hours of sleep each night because I feel and function so much better. It is also better for your health! Starting tonight, I’m going to make sure I get to bed early. We’ll see how it goes!

Speaking of sleep affecting your health….over the weekend, I had a great conversation with my husband’s cousin about modelling healthy habits for your children. My husband’s cousin is a Librarian, and a mother and her son recently came into her library asking for book recommendations and how to get her child to read more. The mother admitted that she doesn’t read that often, but she wanted to make sure her son developed a joy for reading. As my husband’s cousin helped her with finding books, the mother stopped as she was walking away and said, “Wait, if I read more, and my son sees me reading, he will probably want to read more.” This is powerful and really stuck with me. It is a perfect example how we as parents are crucial and important role models for our children. We can’t expect our children to do something, if we don’t do it ourselves. We need to model the behaviour we want our kids to exhibit. If we want our children to eat healthy foods then we need to eat them. If we want our children to develop a love for exercise and/or being active, then we need to demonstrate for them and incorporate them into our activity, i.e. family bike rides, jogging (having our child ride in a jogging stroller), swimming, hiking, etc. If we want our children to learn to be polite and be respectful to others, we need to respect others. Too often, we get busy or too tired to remember to be consistent in modelling the behaviours or actions that we want our children to learn, but it shouldn’t be an excuse to forget about it. Children are like little sponges and pick up things from us and their environment so easily; we need to remember how our actions effect them, both positively and negatively.

Since Keenan has turned two, he’s even more of a little sponge these days. He mimics what we say and do all the time, so we always have to be careful with what we say. I aim to be the best role model for him as possible, which is why I bring him to the gym, we go for family walks and bike rides, he is our “Sous Chef” in the kitchen, my “Little Shopper Helper” at the grocery store, picking out fresh produce and being respectful to others. In order for Keenan to be the best that he can be, I need to be the best that I can be. How do you influence your children? How do you handle negative influences?

Once we got up and made our way downstairs this morning (Keenan is now waking up at 7:00 a.m. again, ugh!), we had breakfast. We had some of the peach oatmeal bake that was leftover from yesterday, with yogurt and blackberries on top. It was a perfect combo! Keenan loved it, because he inhaled his breakfast in 5 minutes! I also made myself an iced coffee using the coffee concentrate that my husband made (he made another batch last week). It was tasty!

Breakfast this morning!

Today has been a nice and somewhat relaxing day. After breakfast, Keenan and I played at his table with his new toy, thanks to our friends, Elisa and Jon! He loves sticking random things, like his salt and pepper shakers, in the holes!

Thinking about what he wants to stick in the holes next!

A little while later, we headed upstairs, got dressed and had some “piano time.” We hadn’t played the piano together for a while, so it was fun to play and sing together. Keenan did so much better today, playing the keys (instead of banging them!) and singing with me. We played and sang several songs from one of his music class books!

Piano time with “Mr. Turtle!”

After playing the piano, we skyped with my brother and niece and then headed to the park for some outside play time (riding his trike there). It was a fun morning!

Playing on the Teeter Totter!

Playing on the play structure!

By the time we got home from the park, Keenan was pooped! He had a busy morning and played really hard at the park! He loved going on the “roundy slide” (as he calls it)!

Going down the “roundy slide!”

For lunch, Keenan had some leftover pasta (whole wheat noodles with pasta sauce), chicken and carrots. I made myself a salad with half of a peach, chopped chicken, dried cherries, walnuts and feta cheese with balsamic vinegar and olive oil. Keenan was so tired from this morning that during lunch, he kept saying “sleepy-sleep!”

My lunch.

Once Keenan wakes up from his nap, we are heading to CrossFit. After our food-filled weekend, I’m looking forward to a good workout today! For dinner tonight, we are having Chinese long beans that got at our local farmer’s market over the weekend sautéed with an onion, sun dried tomatoes and Italian sausages with feta cheese. I know, you are probably thinking…Chinese long beans and Italian? The flavors actually blend really well together (and the Chinese long beans are more tender, so they’re easier for Keenan to eat).

Well, it is time to do some packing for our little getaway before we go to CrossFit. We are heading to the North Coast for a few days before my cousin’s wedding on Saturday. They are getting married in Healdsburg, so we thought it would be nice to make it a little getaway. I’ll be sure to post from over there and share some of the activities we will be doing. Have a great afternoon!

Oh, before I forget, here is the recipe for the basil avocado edamame dip:

Basil Avocado Edamame Dip: (Adapted from Bon Appetit)


– one 14-ounce bag frozen shelled edamame, unthawed

– 1/2 ripe avocado

– 1yellow onion, peeled and sliced into quarters

– 1 clove of garlic, peeled

– 2 teaspoons olive oil or more, if needed, to create a smoother dip

– 2 teaspoons fresh lemon juice or more to taste

– 1 large handful fresh basil or more to taste

– pinch of salt and pepper

1. Cook edamame in large saucepan of boiling salted water until tender, 3-4 minutes. Drain, reserving 1/2 cup cooking liquid.
2. Place cooked edamame, avocado, onion, garlic, oil, lemon juice, salt, pepper and 1/4 cup reserved cooking liquid in food processor. Blend in more olive oil, if mixture is too thick.
3. Transfer to a bowl and serve with pita chips.

Notes: I doubled the recipe, since it didn’t seem like enough for 8 people. I’m glad I did, because most of the dip was all gone by the end of the evening. I also added a little of our sodium-free garlic all-purpose seasoning from Costco for added flavor. Since I didn’t have any lemons, I added a little red wine and white wine vinegar, instead. The dip turned out okay, but I think the lemon juice would have added the zip that it needed.