Fit 'N' Well Mommy

Being a mommy doesn't always mean sacrifice

Peanut butter September 20, 2011

Whoever invented peanut butter was a genius. It is the best-tasting substance that goes well with just about everything (well maybe not EVERYTHING, but it’s close)! You can enjoy it with honey or jam on a sandwich, an apple, a banana, with chocolate, on ice cream, in a milkshake (a thick PB milkshake is my weakness!) or even in spicy food. My all-time favorite pre-workout snack is having half of a banana with a tablespoon of peanut butter on it. In addition, I love having a couple of pieces of whole-wheat toast with peanut butter spread on top with banana slices (pair this with a nice latte and it is SO yummy!).

My passion for peanut butter has been passed on to Keenan, which I love! His favorite sandwich is peanut butter and honey on whole-wheat bread. He actually asks for it almost everyday. We are definitely a peanut butter household. One of my all-time favorite cookie recipes is with peanut butter, of course (Betty Crocker Chocolate Candy Peanut Butter Blossoms). These are the most moist peanut butter cookies I have ever eaten, and they are super easy to make; I highly recommend them if you love peanut butter as much as I do!

I will continue to post more things to do with peanut butter, new recipes I try and any adventures and experiences along the way. With Keenan eating peanut butter so much, there is always a story to tell!


2 Responses to “Peanut butter”

  1. Jen T. Says:

    What brand of peanut butter do you like? I’d like to find a good natural peanut butter for all of us, even my picky hubby, to eat. I have my fave almond butter already and it’s nice to have different nut butter options. Thanks!

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